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Bases: ABC

An element is an object that will be interpreted based on the Project's mode (script execution, extraction, streamlit code generation, etc.). OneCode projects should not directly call the OutputElement but its corresponding static function defined as the snake case of the element class name. For instance:


# wrong
x = MyOutputElement(key, value, label)


# correct
x = my_output_element(key, value, label)

OutputElement is the base class for outputs. By inheriting it, it is mandatory to define:

  • _validate(): internal method to ensure the value checks out at runtime.
  • streamlit(): method returning the Streamlit code to be generated.


Depending on your case, you may need to subclass value too (e.g. like CsvOutput and FileOutput).


Don't forget that the Python filename of an element should correspond to the snake case form of the element class name (e.g. FileOutput -> You may use pydash functions snake_case() and pascal_case() to find the right conversion between the two forms.


Name Type Description
label str

Human readable name typically used by streamlit() for display.

value Any

Actual value of the element.

label: str property

Get the label with triple-quotes and escaped to handle human-readable string. It is primarly meant to be directly used in the Streamlit generated code for the label parameter. See streamlit() for more information.


Type Description

The string to be used in streamlit() for the label parameter.


from onecode import Mode, Project, text_output

Project().mode = Mode.CONSOLE
x = text_output("Hello l'aspirateur!", None)

assert x.label == "'''Hello l\'aspirateur!'''"

value: Any property

Get the value of the element. By default this value is the one provided during at the initialization. Feel free to overwrite this property as required. For instance, FileOutput and CsvOutput re-implement it for their own purpose.


Type Description

By default, the same as the initial value.


Directly returns static_call().

__init__(key, value, label=None, kwargs)


Name Type Description Default
key str

ID of the element. It must be unique as it is the key used to story data in Project(), otherwise it will lead to conflicts at runtime in both execution and Streamlit modes. The key will be transformed into snake case and slugified to avoid any special character or whitespace. Note that an ID cannot start with _. Try to choose a key that is meaningful for your context (see examples projects).

value Any

Initial value for the parameter. This value may be transformed depending on the element.

label Optional[str]

Typically to be used by Streamlit for display purpose only. If not defined, it will default to the key.

**kwargs Any

Extra arguments to populate the element with. Argument names cannot overwrite existing attributes or methods name such as streamlit, _value, etc.



Type Description

if the key is empty or starts with _.


if one the kwargs conflicts with an existing attribute or method.

_build_streamlit() classmethod

Function called when Project mode is Mode.STREAMLIT. This will generate the output static function called when the corresponding output file is selected in the Streamlit App file tree. The function signature is made of the internal attributes and any other custom attributes.


See streamlit() for more information.


Type Description

The block code generated by this OutputElement to be written out to the generated


Streamlit app code.


Function called when Project mode is Mode.CONSOLE.


Type Description

This OutputElement object.


Function called when Project mode is Mode.EXECUTE. The value will first be prepared, validated then all element attributes will be output to the manifest file (see Project.write_output()).


Type Description

The value of this element after resolution (preparation and validation).


Nothing is performed: OutputElement attributes are not extracted as the actual output attributes will be dumped into a manifest file.


Nothing is performed: OutputElement attributes are not extracted as the actual output attributes will be dumped into a manifest file.


Directly returns _execute().

_validate(value) abstractmethod

You must re-implement this function to validate at runtime the value before being returned during the OneCode project execution. This function must raise an error in case the value is incorrect/inconsistent wrt the element parameters.


Name Type Description Default
value Any

Prepared value to be checked (do not use self.value).



For instance, an image output value will fail to validate if the file extension is not a valid/known extension such as jpeg, png, etc.

def _validate(
    value: str
) -> None:
    _, ext = os.path.splitext(self.value)
    valid_ext = [

    if ext.lower() not in valid_ext:
        raise ValueError(
            f'''[{self.key}] Invalid image extension:
            {ext} (accepted: {', '.join(valid_ext)})'''

static_call() staticmethod

Internal cornerstone for OneCode to distribute the action to perform according to the Project mode.


Type Description

if the Project mode is unknown, e.g. if there is no method matching the mode name.

streamlit() staticmethod abstractmethod

You must re-implement this function to return the expected Streamlit block code for this element. This block code will be written out to the generated Streamlit App code.

You should write this block code as the body of a static function yielding all internal attributes (such as key, label, value and kind) and any other custom attributes provided in this OutputElement initialization function's signature. For instance:

class MyOutputElement(OutputElement):
    def __init__(
        key: str,
        value: Any,
        label: Optional[str],
        my_extra_1: int,
        my_extra_2: str
        # ...
will generated the following static function signature
function _MyOutputElement(key, label, value, kind, my_extra_1, my_extra_2)


Type Description

The Streamlit block code to be output in the generated Streamlit App code.


    def streamlit() -> str:
        return '''
st.write(f'{key} - {label} - {value} - {kind}: {my_extra_1} | {my_extra_2}')

will write out to the Streamlit App file:

# static function called when the corresponding file is selected in the tree
function _MyOutputElement(key, label, value, kind, my_extra_1, my_extra_2)
    st.write(f'{key} - {label} - {value} - {kind}: {my_extra_1} | {my_extra_2}')