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Bases: ABC

An element is an object that will be interpreted based on the Project's mode (script execution, extraction, streamlit code generation, etc.). OneCode projects should not directly call the InputElement but its corresponding static function defined as the snake case of the element class name. For instance:


# wrong
x = MyInputElement(key, value, label)


# correct
x = my_input_element(key, value, label)

InputElement is the base class for input type parameter. By inheriting it, it is mandatory to define:

  • _value_type: internal attribute to ensure the type of the value is correct at runtime.
  • _validate(): internal method to ensure the value checks out at runtime.
  • streamlit(): method returning the Streamlit code to be generated.


Depending on your case, you may need to subclass value too (e.g. like CsvReader and FileInput).


Don't forget that the Python filename of an element should correspond to the snake case form of the element class name (e.g. FileInput -> You may use pydash functions snake_case() and pascal_case() to find the right conversion between the two forms.


Name Type Description
label str

Human readable name typically used by streamlit() for display.

value Optional[Any]

Actual value of the element.

disabled str

The string condition typically used by streamlit for disabling the widget.

_value_type: type abstractmethod property

You must re-implement this function to return the expected type for the value. This _value_type is used to check to the proper type at runtime.


Type Description

The type of the value (built-in type or typing).


def _value_type(self) -> type:
    return Union[str, bool]

disabled: str property

Get the whether the element is disabled as a string. It is primarly meant to be directly used in the Streamlit generated code for the disabled parameter. See streamlit() for more information.


Type Description

The conditional string to be used in streamlit() for the disabled parameter.

label: str property

Get the label with triple-quotes and escaped to handle human-readable string. It is primarly meant to be directly used in the Streamlit generated code for the label parameter. See streamlit() for more information.


Type Description

The string to be used in streamlit() for the label parameter.


from onecode import Mode, Project, slider

Project().mode = Mode.CONSOLE
x = slider("Hello l'aspirateur!", None, optional=True)

assert x.label == "'''Hello l\'aspirateur!'''"

value: Optional[Any] property

Get the value of the element. By default this value is the one provided during at the initialization. Feel free to overwrite this property as required. For instance, FileInput and CsvReader re-implement it for their own purpose.


Type Description

By default, the same as the initial value.


Internal cornerstone for OneCode to distribute the action to perform according to the Project mode.


Type Description

if the Project mode is unknown, e.g. if there is no method matching the mode name.

__init__(key, value, label=None, count=None, optional=False, hide_when_disabled=False, kwargs)


Name Type Description Default
key str

ID of the element. It must be unique as it is the key used to story data in Project(), otherwise it will lead to conflicts at runtime in both execution and Streamlit modes. The key will be transformed into snake case and slugified to avoid any special character or whitespace. Note that an ID cannot start with _. Try to choose a key that is meaningful for your context (see examples projects).

value Optional[Any]

Initial value for the parameter. This value may be transformed depending on the element.

label Optional[str]

Typically to be used by Streamlit for display purpose only. If not defined, it will default to the key.

count Optional[Union[int, str]]

Specify the number of occurence of the widget. OneCode typically uses it for the streamlit case. Note that if count is defined, the expected value should always be a list, even if the count is 1. count can either be a fixed number (e.g. 3) or an expression dependent of other elements (see Using Expressions for more information).

optional Union[bool, str]

Specify whether the value may be None. optional can either be a fixed boolean (False or True) or a conditional expression dependent of other elements (see Using Expressions for more information).

hide_when_disabled bool

Only used by Streamlit: if element is optional, set it to True to hide it from the interface, otherwise it will be shown disabled.

**kwargs Any

Extra arguments to populate the element with. Argument names cannot overwrite existing attributes or methods name such as streamlit, _value, etc.



Type Description

if the key is empty or starts with _.


if one the kwargs conflicts with an existing attribute or method.


Function called when Project mode is Mode.STREAMLIT. The Streamlit block code will be prepared using the element parameters (such as count, optional, hide_when_disabled, etc.) as well as the block code returned by the streamlit() function. This function makes it easy to extend the InputElement without worrying about the count, optional and hide_when_disabled attributes.


Type Description

The full block code generated by this InputElement to be written out to the generated


Streamlit app code.


Function called when Project mode is Mode.CONSOLE.


Type Description

This InputElement object.


Function called when Project mode is Mode.EXECUTE. The value will first be collected, prepared, validated then added to the Project().data before being returned.


Type Description

The value of this element after resolution (collection, preparation and validation).


Function called when Project mode is Mode.EXTRACT. The value will be collected and added to the Project().data before returning it as key-value object.


Type Description
Tuple[str, Any]

The pair { key: value } of this element.


Function called when Project mode is Mode.EXTRACT_ALL. The value will be collected and added to the Project().data before returning it as key-value object along with all other element parameters, such as key, kind, label, etc.


Type Description
Tuple[str, Any]

The full parameter set constituting this element as a dictionnary.


Function called when Project mode is Mode.LOAD_THEN_EXECUTE. The value will first be collected, prepared, validated then added to the Project().data before being returned.


Type Description

The value of this element after resolution (collection, preparation and validation).


Internal function used in Mode.EXECUTE and Mode.LOAD_THEN_EXECUTE to prepare the value, check is type, then validate it before returning it.


Name Type Description Default
value Optional[Any]

Value to be prepared and validated.



Type Description

if the value is None but is not optional or the value is of incorrect type.

_validate(value) abstractmethod

You must re-implement this function to validate at runtime the value before being returned during the OneCode project execution. This function must raise an error in case the value is incorrect/inconsistent wrt the element parameters.


Name Type Description Default
value Any

Prepared value to be checked (do not use self.value).



For instance, a slider value will fail to validate if it is outside its range:

def _validate(
    value: Union[float, int]
) -> None:
    if self.min > self.max:
        raise ValueError(
            f'''[{self.key}] Minimum cannot be greater than maximum:
            {self.min} > {self.max}'''

    elif value < self.min:
        raise ValueError(
            f'''[{self.key}] Value lower than minimum:
            {value} < {self.min}'''

    elif value > self.max:
        raise ValueError(
            f'[{self.key}] Value greater than maximum: {value} > {self.max}'

streamlit(id) abstractmethod

You must re-implement this function to return the expected Streamlit block code for this element. This block code will be written out to the generated Streamlit App code.

Typical attributes that will be useful: - label: can be directly piped to the Streamlit widget label parameter. This attribute has been automatically setup for you to use and will properly escape the potential troublesome characters.

  • disabled: can be directly piped to the Streamlit disabled widget parameters. This attribute has been automatically setup for you to use and will properly take the optional argument into account regardless of optional being an expression, a boolean or None. Therefore, do not use optional or hide_when_disabled, use disabled directly.

  • key: it must be used as the variable name for the Streamlit widget.

  • all other attributes that are specific to your widget, e.g. min, max, step for a Slider, etc.


Name Type Description Default
id str

Must be used as the id parameter of the Streamlit widget. This variable is automatically setup to take uniqueness wrt count.



Type Description

The Streamlit block code to be output in the generated Streamlit App code.


    def streamlit(
        id: str
    ) -> str:

        return f'''
# Slider
{self.key} = st.slider(



Remember: no need to use optional, hide_when_disabled and count, they are already automatically taken into account to make your life easier. Use disabled, label, key and id