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Extract project parameters

extract_json(project_path, to_file, all=False)

Extract the input parameter out of the given OneCode project and dump it to the specified file.


Name Type Description Default
project_path str

Path to the root of the OneCode project.

to_file str

Path of the output file to dump the JSON to.

all Optional[bool]

If False, extract only the values of the parameter, otherwise extract values and associated data such as label, kind, etc.



usage: onecode-extract [-h] [--all] [--modules [MODULES [MODULES ...]]] [--path PATH]

Extract OneCode project parameters to JSON file.

positional arguments:
  output_file           Path to the output JSON file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --all                 Extract parameters with their full info set
  --modules [MODULES [MODULES ...]]
                        Optional list of modules to import first
  --path PATH           Path to the project root directory if not the current working directory


Evaluate the given calls such as: - only ElementType.INPUT are considered. - result of evaluation is interpreted as (key, value) and aggregated in the final dictionnary returned by this function.

Ensure the proper Project().mode is set before calling this function (as it will control the evaluation of the code call). This function is typically used for InputElement JSON extraction. Although the extract_json() function directly pipes the calls from the code call graph (through process_call_graph()), you may input your own code calls (see example below).


Name Type Description Default
calls List[Dict[str, str]]

List of {"func": <function_name>, "loc": <code_to_eval>} where func is the name of the function corresponding to the InputElement (i-e its snake case form - see the element developer section for more info), and loc is the "line of code" to evaluate through the Python interpreter.



Type Description

A dictionnary containing the results of the code evaluation associated to their key id.


Project().mode = Mode.EXTRACT_ALL

# processing a single call of Slider element
process([{"func": "onecode.slider", "loc": "onecode.slider('my_slider', 0.4)"}])
# => returns the JSON for this parameter, i-e:
# { kind: Slider, value: 0.4, label: 'my_slider', ... }

# processing a single call of a custom MyBox element
process([{"func": "onecode_ext.my_box", "loc": "onecode_ext.my_box('my_box', 'X')"}])
# => returns the JSON for this parameter, i-e:
# { kind: MyBox, value: 'X', label: 'my_box', ... }

# piping the entire call graph of a OneCode Project
statements = process_call_graph(project_path)
for v in statements.values():
    p = process(v["calls"])
    # ...